Monthly Archives: December 2016


Politechnika Świętokrzyska  member of MedCluster

On the day yesterday, ie 19.12.2016. In Kielce an agreement was signed under which Świętokrzyskie University of Technology became a member of MedCluster. The agreement will enable the university to integrate Info-Tech-Med into the space of innovative business initiatives for health care, broadening the educational offer in the field of medical informatics, and developing research [...]

Meeting summary

On the day yesterday 15.12.2016r. At the University of Silesia in Katowice was held a meeting  on the project INFO-TECH-MED - space for innovations. MedCluster coordinator Andrzej Witek started the meeting by presenting the general assumptions of the project. In the following sections, IT, technology and medical concepts were presented to the project. Paweł Popek, [...]

Meeting Info-Tech-Med 15/12/2016

Come and meet INFO-TECH-MED - space for innovations which will be held on 12.15.2016. In Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library (Katowice, Banking 11a). Program of the meeting: 11:00 - 11:15 - welcoming the guests, the general objectives of the project INFO-TECH-MED- Andrzej Witek 11:15 - 11:45 - Information assumptions in the project - Pawel [...]